Professional track safety lights for karting.
LED Signalling for karting
Pixelcom’s led signalling solutions for karting include different digital safety flags to adapt to many motorsport activities.
Latest technology LEDs for perfect vision in all weather conditions
Controled by Remote control console and Race Control Software
Battery or main grid power options
Options for permanent and temporary installations
Solutions for facility owners and event organizers
Safety lights for karting and motorsports
Specifically designed for karting an other motorsports, 4Flags safety lights it's easy to install and to use it can display all necessary solid colours and the slippery flag.
With an active area of more than 85% from its total surface and the sides and back repeaters, for a 360º vision of the displayed flag, the 4Flag is a perfect unit to any motorsport.
Can be controlled locally with a remote control and also centralized from a control software. It can be used as a stand alone version, but it can also be part of a complete system controlled from a central software.
Designed for perfect vision in outdoor environments, it includes a light sensor to adapt the light intensity to the brightness conditions.
Digital flags for karting and motorsport
Pixelcom’s circuits’ safety lights are designed for racing circuits, but they can also be used in karting. For large karting facilities were some flags have to be placed far away from the track, this is a perfect solution. They can also be operated locally with a remote control or centrally with the Race Control Software the same way as the 4Flag safety flags.
These units can be battery powered as a option, offering a flexible installation in places with no power infrastructure.
4Flag signalling system
The system integrates all necessary units for a total control at the track. 4Flag safety flags, pit lights, starting lights and penalty display boards. All these units can work together to offer a complete system for the track operator. This systems helps to keep control of the track status, informs the drivers and offers better and faster operations in any activity.
The ability to control all devices from a centralized location, so they work together as a whole offers an outstanding feature for the track manager and operators. This is perfect both for track days and for events.