Privacy Policy
Basic information
Entity Responsible for the Treatment :
- CIF: B12728739.
- Permanent Establishment Address: Calle Fortuna, nº 11, 12539 – Alquerías del Niño Perdido (Castellón).
- Contact email:
Purposes of the treatment :
The generic purpose of the treatment is the management of communication and relationship with the USERS of THE WEB (all of them identified in the Portal Ownership of this Legal Notice) and of the APP . You can consult in more detail the possible specific purposes in the Additional Information.
Legitimation of Treatment :
Consent or request for services and / or information by the USER.
Exercise of your rights :
USERS may exercise their rights by sending their request accompanied by their D.N.I. or document valid in law that proves your identity, addressed to or by postal mail by writing to PIXEL at the address specified in the first section on Entity Responsible for Treatment.
Additional information
For what purpose do we process your personal data?
At PIXEL we treat the information you provide us through the different forms or contact addresses expressed on the WEB in order to manage the sending of the information you request or formalize registration in the provision of any service.
We inform you that PIXEL may process the personal data that you provide us through the online forms, or contact addresses indicated, for the purposes specified below, in the extent to which there is a legal basis for each treatment as explained below:
- Channel requests for information about our services directed to karting circuit managers, made through the contact forms on THE WEB.
- Formalize the registration on our platform through a digital kiosk located in any of the karting circuits of our network of associated centers.
- With your prior consent, if you are a user of karting circuits:
- We process identification data, including your image, results, classification and data obtained in the races in which you have been able to participate in karting circuits adhered to our loyalty system, in order to develop skill profiles in kart driving for possible later inclusion in championships or races with other participants of your same level, as well as to make available a space from which you can access your history of participation in milestones achieved in our network karting members.
- We send reports on your activity in the karting circuits in which you have participated.
- We send promotions and offers on the tracks closest to your home or where you have previously enjoyed their services, or those that are close to your location when you have the APP active.
- We send you discounts and promotions on products and services related to karting, our own or those of our partners.
- We send information about upcoming competitions, championships and races with special prizes.
- If you are a user of the APP:
- We will treat identifying data of your device, the content of the messages you send through the chat, your Nickname or status published in the Chat profile.
- We will send you push notifications about activities related to the world of karting organized by PIXEL or any of those responsible for circuits attached to our platform.
- We will send you push notifications with discounts and promotions on products and services related to the karting activity, our own or those of our collaborators.
- If you participate in the Chat, we will save the sender and receiver user identifiers, as well as the content of the messages that you upload to the Chat.
Legitimation on which you base PIXEL the treatment of your data
For the purpose specified in section 1, we base our legitimacy on the free and voluntary contribution of the USER of their data in order for us to attend to their request.
For the purposes included in sections 2 and 3, we base our legitimacy on the prior consent provided by the USER when requesting registration on our reservation platform and / or participation in any of the circuits attached to our platform.
For the purposes included in section 4, we base our legitimacy on the prior consent provided by the APP USER at the time of download and use.
In each communication we send you, PIXEL will remind you how to revoke your consent with effect from the moment you exercise it.
How long we will keep your personal data
Your data will be kept for the minimum time necessary for the correct provision of the requested service, as well as to meet the possible responsibilities that may arise from it and from any other legal requirement.
Regarding requests for information, we will keep the data for the time necessary to attend to your requests and they will be deleted after one year has elapsed since the last communication.
The data of the USERS who have accepted the receipt of advertising mailings will be kept until they revoke said authorization.
The data of the USERS who have downloaded the APP will be kept during the use of its services and once canceled due to lack of use and / or update, will be kept for the legal periods prescription to meet the possible responsibilities that may arise from its use and any other legal requirement.
With whom we share your data and why
We may share your information with those responsible for the tracks where you are going to enjoy your karting circuit, so that they can manage said activity and for other reasons described in their respective policies of Privacy. We will always offer you their identification and we will guide you to the Privacy Policy and Legal Notice of those responsible for the circuits or karting tracks when you register to access them and you will be given the option to subscribe to receive marketing communications from the themselves.
We will share your information with third parties that provide the products and services that you have purchased through our promotions and offers (always related to karting activity and with your prior authorization to receive said advertising communications) so that they can process and fulfill your orders.
We also share your information with different service providers with whom we have previously signed the mandatory data treatment contract (hosting providers and other cloud services, which provide availability and security in the information we process).
PIXEL may also make assignments or communications of personal data to meet its obligations with Public Administrations in the cases that are required in accordance with the legislation in force at all times and in its case, also to other Judicial or State Security bodies.
What rights do you have as the owner of the data?
As the owner of the data, you have the following rights:
- Right of access. USERS have the right to obtain from PIXEL information about whether personal data concerning them is being processed, to access them and to obtain information about the treatment carried out.
- Right to obtain a copy of your personal data.
- Right of rectification. USERS have the right to have PIXEL rectify their personal data in the event that they are inaccurate or incomplete.
- Right of erasure. USERS have the right to proceed to the deletion of the data when they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were provided or when the rest of the legally foreseen circumstances concur.
- Right to limit treatment. USERS have the right to request a limitation in the processing of their personal data, so that the processing operations that should correspond in each case are not applied to them, in those cases provided for in art. 18 of the GDPR.
- Right to portability. USERS have the right to receive the personal data that concern them in a structured format, as long as said data concerns exclusively the user and has been provided by the user.
You also have the right to withdraw consent for any specific purpose granted at the time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.
The indicated rights may be exercised by sending your request from the email address that you have provided when registering on THE WEB to:, or if you prefer, by sending a letter to PIXEL at the address indicated in the first section on the Entity Responsible for the Treatment.
You can access models, forms and more information available to exercise your rights on the website of the national control authority, Spanish Agency for Data Protection: .
- This section regulates the use of the APP and the services that PIXEL offers to its USERS after downloading and installing it on their mobile devices. The Privacy Policy of this document regulates the conditions for the processing of personal data provided by USERS at the time of downloading and subsequent use of the application, as well as the relationships and communication between said USERS and PIXEL.
- This document can be downloaded in printable format by all those USERS who wish to previously know the conditions of acquisition and use of the APP and the services associated with its use. Before enjoying any of our services, it will be a requirement to register as a USER, following the registration process of our APP or by checking the boxes provided for this purpose in the forms on the WEBSITE, accepting in any case the entire content of this document.
These conditions of use will be assumed by all those USERS who decide to download the APP. The Legal Notice, Privacy Policy and Cookies of THE WEB will also apply to them. The rest of the USERS of THE WEB will not be affected by what is included in this section and it will only apply to them from the moment they decide to start a process of downloading the APP or contracting its services.
How does the APP work and what is it for?
It is an application that serves to offer updated information on the activity and the world of karting, as well as to facilitate the USER the process of registration, participation and access to experiences in circuits, competitions, championships, promotions, privileged offers and premium services, all related to the world of karting.
Obligations of the APP User
The USER will be solely responsible for their PIXEL account and the information they provide in the previous registration process, as well as the use and custody of their username and password .
The USER undertakes to make correct use in accordance with the Law and this legal document. The USER will respond to PIXEL or to third parties, for any damages that may be caused as a result of the breach of said obligation.
The use of the APP for harmful purposes of property or interests of PIXEL or third parties or that in any other way overload, damage or disable networks, servers and others is expressly prohibited IT equipment (hardware) or IT products and applications (software) from PIXEL or third parties.
The USER agrees to use the APP, the contents and services in accordance with the purpose for which it has been developed, in accordance with the Law, this legal document, the good manners and public order.
PIXEL disclaimers
PIXEL will not be in any way responsible for damages arising from any of the following circumstances:
- Device malfunction,
- Consequences of improper use of the APP by the USER.
- Loss of information due to the USER not having established a procedure for backing up the information managed by his device.
Prices and Rates
The download and use of the APP is completely free and can be accessed through the market places, depending on the operating system of the USER’s mobile device. PIXEL reserves the possibility, prior notification, to modify these economic conditions at any time.
Participation in the App Chat
Participation in the Chat is voluntary, but requires full prior acceptance of the following rules of use:
- Any registered USER who has downloaded and installed the APP on their device can participate in the Chat.
- All conversations will be visible to all USERS who meet the previous requirement, and will deal with any content that may be of interest to the community of users of karting track services.
- PIXEL is not responsible for the opinions and comments issued by the participants; its content is the sole and exclusive civil and criminal responsibility of the person who sent it.
- PIXEL will be able to eliminate any comment that goes beyond the theme of the Chat or does not comply with the rules indicated in this section, in any other section of the Legal Notice or with current regulations.
- Every USER who participates in the Chat undertakes to maintain a conduct of respect towards the rest of the users and compliance with the rules indicated in this section.
- PIXEL may provide the authorities that claim it in the course of an investigation, the content of any conversation, as well as the identifying data available to the USERS participating in said conversation.
Applicable law
The relationships established between PIXEL and the USER through THE WEB will be subject to Spanish law, except in those cases in which, as a consumer, other more advantageous provisions are applicable. of obligatory application to the USER.